Dies ist ein Chatverlauf mit Frau Williams (unserer Kontaktperson zum Kinderheim) über Edna Schröder im Januar 2022:
[05.01.] Edna Schröder
Das kam gerade aus Lagos.
[05.01.] Irmgard Williams
Liebe Edna, lieber Hans., eben hat mir Tunde einen Dankesbrief vom Waisenhaus geschickt für das große Geld. Ich hab’s zwar noch nicht, meine Schwester hat noch keine Kontoauszüge für mich bekommen, aber wir wissen, es ist da. Bitte leitet den Brief an Renate Rothe und das Team weiter. Danke. Und herzliche Grüße im neuen Jahr. ❤️☘️❤️☘️
[05.01] Irmgard Williams
Dear One-World-Group Coordinators & Members,
Season Greetings with a heart full of love and appreciation to all the Volunteers of the One-World Group in Hirschberg.
Words are inadequate to express our profound appreciation for your uncommon support at a time of economic crisis, your support did go a long way to make the lives of the Children in the Home far better. We are not taking your kindness and love for granted. We celebrate and appreciate you.
It’s a very special thing to have people like you find creative ways to support us despite the harsh effect of COVID 19. We know it couldn’t have been quite easy but you still found a way to support and put smiles on our faces. We are very thankful.
We pray that the ALMIGHTY ELOHIM will strengthen you, guide and guard you and all the members of your family. He will provide for the vision you have for this year, bring in the right people that will support your 2022 vision, and make it successful. May this year be your best year ever.
Dr. John Willoughby